We are the first insurance comparator in the Czech Republic with our own walk-in branch office. What’s more, we have an impressive address. We welcome our customers daily from 9 AM to 7 PM in the Máj Národní department store in the heart of Prague. Under the brand YesPojisteni.cz we provide all services related to health insurance for foreign students and workers.
Same as the website, our new branch office prides on the quality of our customer care. Clients are provided with detailed information about insurance policy options and answers to all their insurance-related questions. They are also recommended the most suitable and comprehensive combination of insurance products. “Some people prefer to take out this type of insurance online and over the phone. We’ve got a lot of experience with this, and we know how to serve them. However, some are more comfortable discussing this in person. They want to ask about dental procedures, initial check-ups, postnatal care costs, etc. It turns out that there are quite a lot of these clients. They find themselves in a new country and tend to prefer personal contact during the initial phase of their stay. They also appreciate that we can print the documents at the branch for them to take home,” said Jan Vlček, CEO of Fabrika ads, which is the operator of the InfoCizinci.cz website.
Superior service for foreign students and workers
As a member of the Fabrika ads group, we cooperate with most insurance companies offering health insurance for foreigners in the Czech Republic. We were also the first to develop our own platform to compare these insurance products. “Our new branch office in the Máj department store also serves as an advisory hub. The choice of insurance products is closely related to the type of visa, length of stay, etc. Each insurance company has contracts with specific medical facilities. It is also important to know how assistance services work. We are happy to help our clients with all of that. We explain what is needed and how the local healthcare system works. Since we have extensive know-how on health insurance for foreigners, we can offer them top-quality experience and expertise,” concluded Jan Vlček. Our branch (under the brand YesPojisteni.cz) is located on the ground floor of the newly opened Máj Národní department store, which has undergone extensive reconstruction. You can reach us from Národní, Spálená or Charvátova Streets or by taking the metro line B or one of the tram lines. In all cases, you should get off at the “Národní třída” station.