Health insurance calculator
for foreigners in the Czech Republic

Compare Czech health insurance for foreigners from most insurance companies on the market

AXA, Colonnade Insurance company, Slavia insurance company, Uniqa insurance company, insurance company VZP, SV insurance company


Health insurance calculator for foreigners
according to the 2023 amendment to the Act

Health insurance calculator for foreigners in the Czech Republic

Our calculator of health insurance for foreigners helps you to save up your money and choose the right type of insurance for you. Just click on the button compare health insurance for foreigners. After that you will be redirected directly to the calculator. In the calculator you will choose the type of the medical insurance and set basic details about the insured person (age, sex, number of days). Once you are finished, our calculator will compare and choose suitable and the cheapest type of health insurance for foreigners, which you can arrange comfortably from your home.

How does it work?


Insert information about insured person (age, gender, etc.)


The calculator finds for you best offer, which you can arrange online


The insurance contract you will receive immediately after the payment by email, by post or at the branch

Health insurance for foreigners in the Czech Republic

Health insurance for foreigners is required for every foreigner, who intend to stay in the territory of the Czech Republic. It is also a necessary condition for obtaining visa and residence to the Czech Republic. Health insurance for foreigners protect you in case you are injured or you have common health issues. This commercial insurance is also similar to a public health insurance for citizens of the Czech Republic and foreigners who have already obtained the permanent residence. For an arrangement of the health insurance for foreigners you can choose between five insurance companies: Inter Partner Assistance AXA, Colonnade Insurance company, Slavia insurance company, SV insurance company, Uniqa insurance company and Insurance company VZP. Our health insurance comparison is free and help you choose your insurance. It is also important to mention that two types of medical insurance exist for foreigners. First of them is Acute and emergency health insurance also known as urgent healthcare insurance for foreign nationals. Second type is Comprehensive health insurance for foreigners. The differences between these two types are in the range of insurance and purpose.

Acute and Emergency health insurance

The acute and emergency health insurance covers elementary medical expenses in case of acute health problems. It includes assistance services and contains lower covering limits of medical care than Comprehensive health insurance for foreigners. Acute and emergency health insurance is usually arranged for less than 90 days, so for the time of short-term residence in the Czech Republic (short-term visa). In case you have sudden health problems, acute and emergency health care is provided in every medical facility. It means that it is not necessary if the medical facility which you visit belongs to the list of contractual healthcare facilities of your Insurance company.

Comprehensive health insurance for foreigners

This medical insurance covers all medical examination including acute health problems. It contains higher limits of covering and it is also a necessary condition for obtaining long-term visa for foreigners or long-term residence in the Czech Republic. Comprehensive health insurance for foreign nationals includes dental care with higher limits and extended care. It also contains higher cover limits for medicaments. We warn you, the limit of covering varies in every insurance company. Usually the higher the limit of covering is, the higher the scale of medical care. This insurance also fulfills conditions of the Czech Law par. 1 of the Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on Residence of Foreign Nationals. Is also recognized by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic in the extension of long-term residence, including the amendment of the law of September 2023 after almost two years of monopoly of one of the insurance companies. If you intend to stay in the Czech Republic for a longer time, certainly do not risk and pay extra for comprehensive health insurance for foreigners.

Health insurance for pregnant women

If you arrange health insurance for pregnant women it is always necessary to apply for Comprehensive health insurance with the package for pregnancy. Acute and emergency care does not cover medical care expenses connected with pregnancy. On the other hand comprehensive health insurance for foreign nationals provides all medical care for mothers and newborns. It contains a medical examination during the pregnancy, birth and also health care after.

Health insurance for students

If you prepare to travel to the Czech Republic on an exchange residence or a language course, which does not last more than 90 days, then you can apply for acute and emergency insurance for students. There is condition for applying which is to be between 15 – 30 years old and choose the territorial range. If you intend to stay for a long-term, we recommend you apply for comprehensive health insurance for foreigners, which is similar to public insurance and offers students many advantages and discounts.

Health insurance for seniors

For seniors from foreign countries who come to the Czech Republic for a longer period of time for quality health care or permanently, insurance companies have prepared several advantageous insurance products. In terms of price, it is possible to choose between cheaper health insurance for foreigners starting from CZK 1,000 per month in the scope of necessary and urgent health care, as well as between comprehensive health insurance including comprehensive health care for the purpose of rehabilitation and improvement of health and fitness. Some of the insurance companies have also prepared special packages specifically designed for this purpose of staying in the Czech Republic. Unfortunately, however, it is also true that foreigners suffering from a serious and long-term illness may not be admitted to the insurance system.

Do you need

Is health insurance
for foreigners
in the Czech Republic
also required for citizens from EU?

Health insurance for foreigners is not required for citizens from EU but it is recommended to apply for comprehensive health insurance for foreigners if you intend to stay in the Czech Republic for longer time. Only one condition which you have to fulfil to have valid health insurance from your state is to pay health insurance in your home country and to be a holder of European health insurance card (EHIC). Then you are insured in the Czech Republic but only within Acute and Emergency health insurance. This is why it is recommended to apply for comprehensive health insurance for foreigners because this insurance provides also preventive treatment and dental care.

What affects the price of health insurance for foreigners?

The price of health insurance for foreigners is influenced by several factors. Before negotiating, it is important to determine which type of insurance you choose, whether Necessary and urgent care or Comprehensive health insurance.
Other factors that affect the price are:
• Age of the person for whom the insurance contract is concluded
• Number of insured persons at once
• Health status of the insured person
• Territorial scope of the insurance contract
• The period for which the insurance contract is negotiated

The age of the person for whom the insurance contract is concluded

The age of the insured person affects the price of the policy. The older or younger the insured person is, the more expensive the policy can be. For seniors and children, insurance is the most expensive because they are a risk group that can get into an accident.

Number of insured persons at one time

A larger number of insured persons at the same time can reduce the price of your policy and you can save money. In the case of insurance for the whole family, each family member is issued a policy separately, but the price can be the same for all members within the contract, therefore it pays to take out insurance collectively instead of taking out one for each family member separately.

Health status of the insured person

Zdravotní stav pojišťované osoby může zvýšit cenu pojistky nebo dokonce znemožnit pojišťované osobě se pojistit. Pokud máte dlouhodobé zdravotní potíže, které vyžádají nepřetržitou lékařskou péči, pečlivě si přečtěte výluky z pojištění uvedené v pojistných podmínkách pojišťoven. Může se totiž přihodit, že při určitých nemocích vás pojišťovna odmítne přijmout do pojištění.

Territorial scope of the insurance contract

The territorial scope of the policy is divided into CR+Schengen or CR+Transit. In this case, the price is higher for the CR+Schengen, but this range is already standard and we recommend negotiating it.

The period for which the insurance contract is negotiated

One of the important factors that determines the price of the policy is the number of agreed months. If you want to save, it pays to take out insurance for several months. The best rates are usually for 6, 12, 24 and 36 months.

Frequently asked questions




Why do I have to take out health insurance for foreigners?

Health insurance foreigners is necessary for the stay foreigners in the territory of the Czech Republic. Meets the requirements of Act No. 326 / 1999 Coll. about the stay of foreigners on the territory of the Czech Republic, including the amendment to this law, which was published in the collection of laws on 19 September 2023.

What are the types of health insurance for foreigners?

Health insurance for foreigners are basically divided into 2 types of insurance: Comprehensive care and Necessary and urgent care. When choosing between these two types of insurance it depends on the planned length of your stay in the Czech Republic and also on your personal interest. Complex health insurance is usually arranged for a period longer than 3 months, i.e. for a stay of more than 90 days. This insurance includes not only acute care in the event of an accident or injury, but also preventive care and so also regular visits to the doctor. Regarding Necessary and urgent care (in some insurance companies, they say “Basic care”), so it is only suitable for short-term stays of up to 90 days. Insurance includes only acute cases requiring medical assistance and cannot be used for preventive medical examinations.

Which type of health insurance for foreigners is better to receive visa?

Generally in the visa prefers the process Comprehensive health insurance, which is closest to the Czech public health system and contains a limit of EUR 400,000 and CZK 10,000,000 in crowns. Only in rare cases where a really short stay, basic health insurance is sufficient. So if you are going to the Czech Republic on exchange stay, for work, or if you want to settle here permanently, we recommend that you find out more about visa conditions at the Czech embassy in your country. Unless you are told exactly that Basic insurance is sufficient, we recommend not leaving anything to chance and arranging comprehensive health insurance insurance. In this context, it is necessary to point out that the process of renegotiation from the basic version to complex is quite complicated and lengthy and can thus cause you considerable problems with delivery necessary documents for a visa.

Will my health insurance cover my existing illness?

If you already have one more serious health problems, they had you should be very careful when purchasing health insurance. In the insurance conditions of the majority insurance companies, you will come across so-called “retroactivity” in the exclusions, which means that the insurance will not take place apply to illnesses that occurred before the insurance was taken out. If you have to take special medications on a daily basis, or You are going to have a necessary operation, it is very likely that the health insurance company will not pay for it. However, some insurance companies are trying to solve this problem and offer special types of comprehensive insurance such as “Exclusive insurance” from insurance company PVZP a.s. Health insurance of this kind, They will guarantee you full coverage even in the case of pre-existing health problems, but it is necessary to make an appointment is undergoing a medical examination by a doctor and subsequent approval by the insurance company.

How do I prove that I am insured at the hospital?

Health insurance foreigners is agreed upon for a certain period time and insurance premiums are already paid when agreed in advance. Together with the insurance contract, policy, card the insured and with the confirmation of payment you will also receive a list of contractual facilities where you can go in the event need to turn. These facilities have already agreed a cooperation agreement with the insurance company, and therefore here when visiting, just show your insurance card, the employee will find you in their internal database, and all care covered by your type of insurance will be provided to you free of charge. If you would were not found in the contracted facility and had to pay for the care themselves, we recommend that you keep all of them proof of payment, medical report and prescription. You can then submit these documents together with the completed submit requests to report an insurance event to the insurance company’s head office for reimbursement. Please note that the refund does not take place immediately, it is necessary to check the originals you have brought documents, contact the medical facility and investigate whether the medical care provided is covered by yours type of insurance. It usually takes 2 to 3 months to process the request, after which they will send you the returned payment to Your bank account, or you receive clarification that you are not entitled to this refund. This process involves both reimbursement of examinations, various interventions and consultations, as well as medicines prescribed by a doctor. After duration of the health insurance, it is necessary to take out this insurance again. The existing contract cannot extend, but new health insurance can be arranged under the same conditions. It is also your right to decide for another type of health insurance, or even for another commercial health insurance company.

How long does the online calculation take?

It doesn’t take much to make an appointment online more than five minutes. Only you fill in the necessary data and then choose the most suitable offer. You can make the payment online by card or by bank transfer.

How can I pay?

You can pay online by payment card or directly at us in person or by bank transfer. After receiving payment, all insurance documents will be sent to you email in electronic version with electronic stamp and signature. Additionally, you can request to be sent originals by post to your address or abroad. It should be noted that the electronic version documents has the same validity as the original issued at the branch, so you don’t have to worry that the documents submitted by you rejected the Visa application.

When is my insurance valid?

Your insurance is valid when we receive your payment.

When will I receive my documents?

We are sending your documents by email immediately upon receipt payments. On request, we also send by post or you can use a personal visit to our branch.

What documents do you need to take out health insurance for foreigners?

– Passport details
– Contact details
– In some cases, a medical report
– In the case of a student, a certificate of study

What documents will I receive after paying for the insurance?

– Insurance contract
– Insurance card
– confirmation of payment
– List of contracted facilities

Can the agreed contract be cancelled?

Cancel the contracted insurance you can within 2 months of his agreement and preferably before it begins. In this case, you do not need to give a reason, and in most cases insurance companies will refund you the full amount minus handling costs. Official reasons for cancellation there are several types of insurance: failure to receive a Visa to the Czech Republic, arranging the wrong type of insurance, transition to the public healthcare system in connection with work, or transition to the public healthcare system from reason for obtaining permanent residence or citizenship. Therefore, if you cancel the insurance after a period of 2 months, you must provide official confirmation that you will not be coming here, or that you are transferring to public health system and health insurance will be paid for by your employer. Watch out for some insurance companies that do not recognize the transition to the public system as a reason to cancel the contract. Yippee therefore it is better to study the insurance terms and conditions offered before taking out health insurance product. In the event that you have inadvertently taken out a basic type of insurance instead of comprehensive, it is the standard procedure of paying for a new comprehensive insurance and then refunding the payment for the previous one basic type. As we have already written, this process is quite lengthy, and therefore we advise you to do everything well think about whether to consult an insurance agent about the matter.

Insurance companies

IPA, member of the
AXA Group

The world’s largest insurance company is also represented in the Czech Republic and uses its international assistance network and its standards.

Colonnade Insurance company

Colonnade Insurance is a Luxembourg based non-life insurance company fully owned by Fairfax and established for a strategic expansion of the Fairfax insurance business in Europe.

Insurance company

Insurance company VZP is a subsidiary of the state insurance company VZP ČR.
It offers its clients the most contractual workplaces.

SLAVIA insurance

SLAVIA insurance company is one of the oldest insurance companies in the Czech Republic.
It offers its clients quality insurance at favorable prices.

SV insurance

SV insurance company was created by the purchase of the Czech branch of ERGO by a German financial group.
Offers to foreigners balanced insurance products at good prices.

UNIQA insurance

UNIQA insurance company draws on the strong background and experience of its Austrian shareholder UNIQA International AG.
It offers its clients the largest choice of insurance for foreigners.

Maxima insurance

Maxima insurance company provides health insurance for foreigners in the Czech Republic. Against the rival insurance companies Maxima insurance company offers really affordable insurance for students.

How to choose suitable health insurance for foreigners?

Currently, it is possible to arrange health insurance for foreigners from the IPA insurance company with the help of our calculator AXA, Colonnade Insurance, Slavia, insurance company VZP a.s., or insurance company UNIQA. The selection of insurance products is really extensive and therefore, it is sometimes difficult to choose a suitable option. It continues to apply that for long-term stays in the Czech Republic (stays over 90 days) you must take out comprehensive health insurance. This type is completely suitable for applying for visa, while insurance coverage is as follows:
• Comprehensive health insurance of EUR 400,000

For short-term stays, when foreigners travel to the Czech Republic only for a visit or for entertainment, completely Basic insurance, or Necessary and urgent care insurance, which includes only necessary care, will suffice medical assistance in case of injury, fractures and other acute deterioration of the health condition.
The coverage of this insurance is as follows:
• Insurance required for urgent care – EUR 60,000

What are the advantages of individual insurance companies

All offered insurance companies have good coverage within large cities such as Prague, Brno, Ostrava and other. Therefore, if a foreigner arrives in a big city, he need not worry that he will not find contractual medical facility, whereby the negotiation of, for example, the insurance company AXA, which is usually cheaper. However, what concerns smaller cities and towns, not all insurance companies can have v contract medical facility at the given location. It is therefore always worthwhile to consult the list of contracted medical services device and check availability in your city. In such cases, negotiation is very worthwhile health insurance from the insurance company VZP a.s., as this insurance company offers more than 3,000 contracts medical facilities and is also known among doctors thanks to its connection to the parent company VZP ČR. Attention however, to individual limits for dental care and medications prescribed by a doctor. Slavia Insurance Company and VZP a.s. have a limit of CZK 5,000 for prescribed medicines (for agreed period) and CZK 5,000 for dental care (for the agreed period). It would be advantageous in this case insurance company UNIQA, which has similar coverage of contractual facilities as Slavia insurance company, but does not have these two limits for prescription drugs and dental care, so the €400,000 limit applies to everything.

News in insurance for foreigners 2023

For the year 2023, we bring you current prices from most insurance companies, what is offered by Health insurance for foreigners and both comprehensive health care, necessary and thorough care, as well as VIP and exclusive products for above-standard health care. Our foreigner insurance calculator thus contains updated prices for the year 2023. Our calculations now also include the prices of health insurance from the insurance company Inter Partner Assitance, which is part of the Axa CEE group with Axa assistance. All products meet the conditions of the amendment of the law after the fall of the monopoly in the field of health insurance for foreigners.

News in insurance for foreigners 2018

For 2018, we launched a completely new health insurance calculator on the infocizinci.cz website foreigners with updated rates of insurance companies. In this way, clients can compare prices more easily and quickly insurance for foreigners and arrange everything from the comfort of your home.

News in insurance for foreigners 2019

For 2019, we bring you current price lists issued by insurance companies. Our foreigner insurance calculator so contains updated prices for 2019. In 2019, the health insurance segment for foreigners will still apply the same conditions, i.e. that foreigners applying for a visa or residence in the territory of the Czech Republic are obliged to have contracted Commercial health insurance to the appropriate extent. This request continues it does not apply to foreigners who have permanent residence in the territory of the Czech Republic or those who already participate in public health insurance insurance.