SV insurance company is among 8 insurance companies, which offer health insurance for foreigners in the Czech Republic. In our article you will find out why you should pick the health insurance for foreigners from SV insurance company and what you should be careful of.
SV insurance company was established in 1994 originally as Victoria insurance company and in 2012 it was renamed ERGO insurance company. At the end of 2021, the German company S.V. Holding AG became the new and sole owner of ERGO insurance company and in 2022 the name of ERGO insurance company was changed to SV insurance company. SV registered capital is recently about 316 millions of Czech crowns.
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Health insurance for foreigners SV WELCOME
SV insurance company also offers two standard products of health insurance for foreigners. One is a Comprehensive health insurance type called SV Welcome, and the other is Acute and Emergency care called SV Welcome Standard or Plus.
Although the Comprehensive health insurance is more expensive, it offers higher limits, which is crucial. That is why we recommend you to apply for the Comprehensive health insurance type even though you will stay in the Czech Republic for only 30 days. You will be covered not only due to the higher limits, but also thanks to less strict general terms and conditions which means less insurance exclusions for you.
Overview of the prices for health insurance for foreigners SV
Welcome Komplex SV
- Health insurance for foreigners in terms of Comprehensive health care
- Insurance indemnity limit for one insured event is 400.000 EUR
- This insurance product is suitable for foreigners who apply for Visa extension in the Czech Republic, or apply for a Visa at the Czech Embassy abroad for a long term stay (more than 90 days). However, we recommend you to apply for this type even if your stay in the Czech Republic will be shorter than 90 days.
Welcome Plus SV
- This type includes basic Acute and Emergency health care insurance, but its limits are higher
- Insurance indemnity limit for one insured event at Welcome Plus SV is 80.000 EUR
Welcome Standard SV
- This is a basic Acute and Emergency health care insurance with lower limits and less coverage due to the general terms and conditions.
- Insurance indemnity limit for one insured event at Welcome Standard SV is 60.000 EUR
Welcome Prenatal SV
- It is a Comprehensive health insurance type for children and newborns
- Insurance indemnity limit for one insured event at Welcome Prenatal SV is 400.000 EUR
- Insurance under this programme is suitable for pregnant women as it covers all medical examinations that the insured person undergoes during pregnancy, childbirth, continuous postnatal hospitalisation of the insured person and the first gynaecological examination in the sixth week after discharge from the maternity hospital
Welcome Baby SV
- It is a Comprehensive health insurance type for children and newborns
- Insurance indemnity limit for one insured event at Welcome Baby SV is 400.000 EUR
- This insurance product is appropriate for pregnant women and new born children during pregnancy.
Welcome Baby+ SV
- Comprehensive health insurance type with enhanced general terms and conditions
- Insurance indemnity limit for one insured event is 400.000 EUR
- This type covers also the preventive health care including compulsory vaccination. It is ideal for children 2 months-6 years old. Its coverage is almost identical with public health insurance in the Czech Republic.
What are the cooperating medical facilities for health insurance for foreigners at SV insurance company?
SV health insurance company has a smaller net of cooperating facilities in the Czech Republic (the least cooperating facilities has Maxima insurance company). However SV disposes of a cooperating facility in every bigger town of the Czech Republic. For example in Prague you can go to the ‘’FN Motol’’, ‘’Nemocnice na Františku’’, or ‘’FN Na Bulovce’’. In Brno you can find ‘’FN Brno’’ or ‘’FN u sv. Anny’’, in Ostrava for example the ‘’Městská nemocnice Ostrava‘‘.
What will I need to apply for health insurance for foreigners at SV insurance company?
Firstly, you will need your passport for sure. Most of the details needed to arrange the health insurance for foreigners can be found there. For example:
- Your Name and Surname
- Date and place of birth
- Passport number, Country of origin
- Your permanent address
- Additionally in some cases you will need to answer a few questions about your health status in the SV health questionnaire

Health insurance for foreigners can be arranged online without personally going to the SV insurance company. Furthermore, compared to other health insurance companies, SV insurance company does not have such a numerous amount of branches and partner companies. Online application for health insurance for foreigners is very safe and the details about your health insurance contract will be directly sent to the SV insurance company.
We would also like to warn you about buying your health insurance for foreigners ‘’on the street’’. Many clients have had bad experiences with this process, since the health insurance contracts did not end up in the insurance company and the attractive discount on their health insurance only caused them trouble at the Police of the Czech Republic. Many of these cases led even to expulsion from the Czech Republic! Be careful that your money and insurance details will really be delivered to the chosen insurance company.
How can I apply for the insurance SV?
Health insurance for foreigners from SV can usually be arranged at its branches, but you can also choose the more comfortable and faster method – online application. Online application will take up to ten minutes of your valuable time. After filling in your personal details such as age, insurance period or the purpose of your stay, you will receive an insurance offer.
Then you will choose the type of your insurance, usually it is the Comprehensive health insurance, and then you will fill in your passport details. After doing this, you will immediately receive a draft of the insurance contract and the payment instructions to your email. After purchasing the health insurance you will get the original document of the Health insurance contract from SV and other necessary documents (you can also choose to receive your documents worldwide via post).
When and how to pay my health insurance at SV?
Health insurance for foreigners must be paid at all insurance companies right after arranging the insurance contract. After receiving the draft of the contract you are given 14 days to purchase your insurance.
After the payment you will receive your insurance contract from SV. The Department for Asylum and Migration Policy will check your data specifically on the insurance contract and the duration of your insurance. Without having the insurance contract and its additional documents, it is not possible to successfully arrange your request at the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy. Also, the Police of the Czech Republic frequently checks the validity and status of your insurance directly at the SV insurance company (as well as at other insurance companies offering health insurance for foreigners).
I have insurance from SV, what should I do at an insured event?
If you happen to need the medical help, do not worry. Take your insurance card from SV and go to the cooperating facility. The list of such facilities will be sent to your email after arranging the insurance contract. Also, the list of the cooperating facilities is frequently upgraded on our website and on the website of the SV insurance company.
On the insurance card is also a phone number for the Assistance service of the SV insurance company. You can use this service to find the nearest cooperating facility or in case of language problems or misunderstandings with the doctor, the assistance service can also help you with translation.
What amount is covered by the health insurance for foreigners at SV?
Here we have to compare the individual tariffs of health insurance of foreigners SV. All comprehensive health insurance tariffs have a limit of up to EUR 400,000 per insured event in the Czech Republic. In the case of the Schengen area, the limit of insurance cover is agreed at up to EUR 80,000. These limits are appropriate also due the Czech law and it includes the medical transport and repatriation. The dental care (after an injury) is covered up to 6000 CZK. The limit 6000 CZK applies also to other dental treatments. In addition, the basic tariffs of the comprehensive health insurance cover e.g. outpatient prescribed medicines, assistance services, preventive care and dispensary care. From the list of tariffs, we recommend you to apply for the Comprehensive health care for foreigners.
How can I cancel the health insurance for foreigners from SV?
There are a few situations, when it is possible to cancel the arranged insurance and receive some of your money back. Due to the Czech law, every client including the client of health insurance for foreigners has a right to terminate his insurance contract before the date of the commencement of the insurance and 2 months after arranging it. However, for the insurance company it is very important to know the reason for termination of the contract. After the start of the insurance, insurance companies are generally very strict regarding the termination of the insurance and the reasons for it. The typical reason for termination can be the transfer to the public health insurance system. In this context, we would like to remind you, that the validity of your health insurance is often checked by the Police of the Czech Republic.