The AXA insurance company and its subsidiary INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE are among the six Czech insurance companies that have the right to provide and arrange health insurance for foreigners in the Czech Republic. In addition to insurance for foreigners, INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE also offers services such as travel insurance, family lawyer and car lawyer.

>> Calculator of health insurance for foreigners of the Czech Republic online <<
History of the company
The insurance company INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE is part of the large AXA Group, which is one of the largest insurance groups in the world. Its strengths include excellent assistance services called INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE.
AXA insurance company has been operating on our market for fifteen years.
What is the difference between AXA and INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE?
The insurance company INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE is a subsidiary of the insurance company AXA. It has different insurance products in its portfolio than AXA, which offers, for example, compulsory liability and property insurance. However, it belongs to the same investment group.
Health insurance for foreigners is arranged with AXA ASSISTANCE.
What kind of health insurance for foreigners does AXA ASSISTANCE offer?
AXA insurance company has prepared two insurance products for its clients, namely health insurance for foreigners in case of necessary and urgent care and comprehensive health insurance for foreigners.

Health insurance for foreigners in case of necessary and urgent care INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE
This insurance product is intended for foreigners who intend to stay in the Czech Republic for less than ninety days. The maximum policy limit for this insurance is EUR 60 000.
What does this insurance product cover?
This foreigners’ insurance covers the necessary and acute examinations to determine the treatment and diagnosis. It also covers hospitalisation in a health centre and outpatient prescriptions. Dental treatment is only covered in acute cases. Last but not least, this health insurance covers the repatriation of the insured to the home country.
Comprehensive health insurance for foreigners INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE
Comprehensive health insurance for foreigners is intended for foreigners who intend to stay in the Czech Republic for a long-term stay or plan to stay here permanently and wish to apply for permanent residence in the future. The maximum policy limit for this insurance is EUR 60 000.
What does this insurance product cover?
Comprehensive health insurance for foreigners INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE covers outpatient care, preventive examinations, emergency services, transport of the sick person and the provision of outpatient prescribed medication, including pregnancy-related care.
This comprehensive insurance for foreigners is offered in two variants:
- Option MOTHER
Compared to the standard option, the MOTHER option also covers postnatal care for the insured mother’s newborn. More information about insurance for pregnant women can be found in our article Health insurance for pregnant foreign women.
More useful information about insurance for foreigners with INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE
We have prepared the most frequently asked questions and answers about AXA foreigner insurance.
Does AXA ASSISTANCE foreigner insurance cover working stay?
Yes, insurance from INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE covers working stays, study stays and tourist stays of foreigners in the Czech Republic.
What contractual medical centres does AXA ASSISTANCE offer?
INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE does not send a list of contracted clinics before the occurrence of an event.
What is the procedure in case of a claim?
You must contact the assistance line before each visit to the doctor. The operators at the helpline will always tell you what to do next.